Last week Friday the 25th of October (Shona's 30th birthday) at fourteen minutes past six in the evening, our little boy Francis was born, weighing in at a healthy 6lbs 10oz. With big blue eyes and a full head of silver blonde hair he immediately won our hearts. Shona, Samwise and I couldn't be happier. Our lives have changed dramatically, and we're enjoying every second with our little guy, even if it's at 3 in the morning. We're over the moon.

Samwise went viral... like for reals.
It's important to practise what you preach once in a while. I decided to combine two of the most powerful topics (food & animals) on social media together for Samwise's birthday and this is what it looked like. In total across all social media channels it was viewed over 11 million times!
Social media news blogs
Laura has been hard at work every week writing blogs all about what she finds interesting in the world of social media. Your one stop shop for an up to date info fix. Here's her latest one for your perusal. Make sure you check 👏it 👏out. There will be a new blog every week Monday.
Social media community support
Supporting your University Staff and Academic social media community can be overwhelming. I've been hard at work coming up with a solution just for you! Introducing 448 Studio Monthly Academic Support and Social Media Community Consultant programmes. These are six month support packages to help jumpstart and support your internal social media community.
If you need someone to manage your social media content requests - I've got you covered. If you're struggling to organise regular meet-ups with key social media stakeholders - I've got you covered. If you're overwhelmed with email requests for training and support - you guessed it, I've got you covered.
Have a quick look at the packages in the link below and let me know what you think. If the two packages don't fit the bill don't worry, because I'm up for tailoring something that works for you, your objectives... and your budget!
A couple more pics of the wee man to finish up your monthly update.
Here's what November has in store
Caring for a brand spanking new baby
Social media marketing talk with Adam Smith Business students
Video workshops with UofG School of Engineering research methods and practice group project
Salford University Content Creation Workshop
Lancaster University social media bootcamp two day workshops
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Make it Happen month social media talk